Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) Radha Krishna

Krishna’s Rasa Lila with Vraja Gopis: Dance of Divine Love in Vrindavan

iskcon vrindavan krishna balaram temple radha

At the tender age of eight, Krishna orchestrated the enchanting Rasa Lila with the Gopis, the milkmaids of Vrindavan. It unfolded under the ethereal glow of Sharad Purnima, an autumn night illuminated by the majestic full moon. The moonrise imbued the surroundings with a reddish hue, akin to the red vermillion powder used to adorn a wife when her long-separated husband returns. The eastern sky became a canvas painted with a reddish tint, as if the moon was smearing it with a brush dipped in crimson. When Krishna beheld the full moon night of the sharad season adorned with a variety of seasonal flowers, particularly the fragrant mallika flowers, He recollected the gopis’ entreaties to Goddess Katyayani. In their prayers, they beseeched Krishna to become their husband. He perceived that the full moon night of autumn was a fitting occasion for an exquisite dance. Therefore, He envisioned that fulfilling their aspiration of having Him as their spouse would be aptly realized.

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma) ramayana

Story of Hanuman – The Monkey God’s Birth and History

hanuman hindu monkey god rama

Sage Agastya once recounted the story of Hanuman to Lord Rama. Upon Mount Sumeru dwelled Keshari, a formidable leader among the Vanaras. His wife, Anjana, possessed unparalleled beauty. One day, Vayu, the wind god, beheld Anjana standing alone and felt a desire to unite with her. In his mystical yogic form, Vayu joined with her, resulting in the conception of a child named Hanuman. Anjana placed the infant amidst reeds as she gathered forest fruits. Hanuman, hungry, gazed at the sun and leaped, thinking it was a colossal fruit. Empowered by his divine lineage, he ascended towards the sun. Vayu accompanied him, enshrouding him with a refreshing breeze to shield him from the sun’s scorching heat. Recognizing Hanuman’s destined role as a devoted servant of Vishnu, the sun-god withheld his intense rays.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

Where Does a Soul Go After Death? A Guide to Afterlife

death What happens when you die soul

The sacred Bhagavad Gita conveys the essence that we, living beings, are fundamentally spirit souls. The very core of our life and consciousness emanates from the soul. Within this world, living beings find themselves ensnared within material bodies. The denizens of this realm endure the inevitable cycles of birth, illness, aging, and demise. While the physical form is transient, the soul remains immortal. Unborn and undying, the soul seamlessly migrates from one vessel to another upon death. This doctrine of rebirth asserts that when an individual’s biological life concludes (through death), the ethereal core of the soul embarks on a profound odyssey, commencing a fresh existence within a distinct corporeal casing. This casing can manifest as a human, resonating with intellect and emotion; an animal, endowed with instinctual prowess; or even a spiritual entity, transcending the confines of the physical realm. The selection of this embodiment is contingent upon the accrued Karma, the sum of one’s actions in the preceding life. This perpetual cycle of ceaseless birth and demise is termed as “Samsara.” In this article, we elaborate extensively on the potential destinations the soul might traverse subsequent to the body’s passing.

cornerstone Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

18 days of the Mahabharata war – Battle of Kurukshetra

bhagavad gita teachings slokas summary kurukshetra mahabharata

The following article provides a detailed account of the momentous 18-day Kurukshetra War as narrated by Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra. Known as the epic Mahabharata, the Kurukshetra War stands as a central theme within this Hindu epic. The conflict unfolded between two factions of cousins, namely the Kauravas and the Pandavas, in a gripping struggle for the rightful dynastic succession to the throne of Hastinapura, situated in the ancient Indian kingdom of Kuru.

This monumental clash saw a multitude of ancient kingdoms joining forces as allies of their respective sides, amplifying the scale of the confrontation that transpired on the sacred battleground of Kurukshetra, now situated within the boundaries of the modern Indian state of Haryana. In the heart of this grand spectacle, Duryodhana commanded an impressive army of 11 Akshouhinis, while the Pandavas marshaled a force of 7, collectively totaling eighteen formidable divisions. Remarkably, the epic itself comprises eighteen chapters, each unveiling a distinct facet of the unfolding narrative. The conflict spanned an exact eighteen days, from the break of dawn to the setting sun.

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

The 7 Mothers of Hinduism: A celebration of Motherhood

seven mothers hinduism

In Hinduism and the sacred texts of the Hindu faith, seven mothers are recognized. These mothers embody essential qualities of affection, empathy, nurturing, and at times, unwavering protection, crucial for the holistic development—both material and spiritual—of all entities. The following stanza by Chanakya Pandita enlists these seven revered mothers:

atma mata guroh patni
brahmani raja patnika
dhenur dhatri tatha prithvi
saptaita matarah smrtah

One’s own mother, the wife of the guru, the wife of a brahmana, the wife of a king, the cow, the nurse, and the earth are known as the seven mothers of a man.

In the following piece, our focus will be on exploring the concept of the seven mothers in Hinduism.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

Vegetarianism in Hinduism : Why are Most Hindus Vegetarians?

vegetarian vegetables hinduismVegetarianism, referred to in Sanskrit as ‘shakahara’, has been a foundational aspect of health and environmental ethics deeply rooted in ancient Indian traditions for millennia. Throughout its history, India has predominantly upheld a vegetarian lifestyle, with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization ranking it as the world’s lowest meat consumer in 2007. Despite enduring numerous foreign influences and cultural impacts, it is believed that 20-39% of India’s population continues to sustain themselves on a vegetarian diet, underscoring the enduring commitment to this dietary practice. In the realm of spirituality, India has always embodied a profound connection to higher principles, where even an ordinary individual may exemplify the loftiest spiritual ideals in their everyday existence. The concept of ‘Hinduism’ or ‘Sanatana Dharma’, in its purest form, advocates for vegetarianism as a means to lead a life with minimal harm to fellow creatures. Partaking in meat, whether from animals, fish, birds, or eggs, indirectly involves us in acts of cruelty and violence against these beings, as proclaimed by the sages of Vedic India. They asserted that a peaceful and harmonious life cannot coexist with a meat-consuming lifestyle. The insatiable appetite for meat exacts a severe toll on the environment, leading to deforestation and the depletion of precious resources. How can those who partake in the consumption of others’ flesh truly embody compassion? In the eloquent words of Leo Tolstoy, “Eating meat is simply an unconscious continuation of centuries-old habits.”

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

Glories of Mother Ganga in Hindu Scriptures – Spiritual Benefits of Bathing in Ganges

mother ganga

Mother Ganga, flowing gracefully from the divine lotus feet of Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is revered as “patita pavani,” the celestial purifier of the fallen souls. Ganga manifests as the embodiment of purity and compassion. Through her meandering course, she graciously washes away the sins and impurities of those who seek redemption, offering them a path of spiritual rejuvenation.The ancient scriptures, enriched with divine wisdom, beautifully depict Ganga’s significance as a purifying force. This article endeavors to explore the profound verses from sacred scriptures that vividly illustrate her unparalleled purifying essence.

Gaudiya Vaishnavism Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

Ekadashi: The Ultimate Guide to Fasting, Benefits, and Food with Scriptural references

ekadashi fasting, benefits

Ekadashi, also known as Haribasara, is the eleventh day of the moon cycle, occurring both from the Purnima (full moon) and the Amavasya (new moon). It holds significant importance as the day dedicated to Lord Hari and is widely celebrated as an auspicious occasion suitable for fasting. This observance is not restricted to any specific group and is recommended for people of all ages, from eight to eighty, according to scriptures. The primary objective of observing Ekadashi is to completely please Lord Hari with all one’s senses. In essence, individuals should strive to satisfy both Lord Hari and His devotees. The term “upavasa” or fasting signifies living nearby, and on the day of Ekadashi, one should distance oneself from all forms of sinful activities, forsake household chores, and sensual indulgence to be close to the divine presence of the Lord.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Gaudiya Vaishnavism

Teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

chaitanya pancha tattva

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the illustrious founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, graced the world with His divine presence in the year 1486 AD. His blessed birth took place in the sacred town of Mayapur, nestled in the heart of West Bengal, India. He was lovingly born to Jagannath Misra and Saci Devi, hailing from the beautiful region of Sylhet, which is now part of Bangladesh. Numerous sacred Vedic scriptures resoundingly affirm that Sri Chaitanya was none other than the revered Lord Krishna Himself, who descended to Earth to illuminate the path of Bhakti, the profound and pure expression of loving devotion, to humanity. His divine mission was to enrich the spiritual landscape and shower boundless grace upon all souls, inviting them to embrace the sublime essence of love and devotion towards the Supreme. Through His teachings and exemplary life, He stirred the hearts of countless devotees, inspiring them to walk the path of divine love and devotion with unwavering faith and profound reverence. In this article, we are going to discuss the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in a nutshell.

Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma)

Shiva vs Krishna : Battle of the Gods | Banasura’s redemption

krishna vs shiva battle

Banasura, the eldest son of King Bali, was a devoted follower of Lord Shiva, who held him in high regard, with even demigods like Indra serving him. Banasura pleased Lord Shiva by playing musical instruments with his thousand hands while Shiva performed his divine tandava dance. Impressed, Shiva granted Banasura a boon, and in return, Banasura asked Shiva to be the guardian deity of his city.

One day, Bana expressed his urge to engage in battle and informed Lord Shiva that there was no warrior strong enough to fight him in the entire world. He considered the thousand arms given to him by Lord Shiva as a mere heavy burden. In response, Lord Shiva became angry and stated that Bana’s pride would be crushed in battle when he encountered someone equal to him. He also predicted that Bana’s chariot flag would fall to the ground, broken.

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